Studio SR.ADD
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Studio SR.ADD
Stefan Radinger Art Direction&Design

architectural hardwood

Visual Identity | ALFA | 2018 - ongoing

ALFA an established manufacturer of hardwood panels, well known for its exceptional quality, precision and innovative strength. The path to sustainable materials is irreversible, in house construction, interior design and wherever a traditional material can show its outstanding qualities, for example at the grand piano manufacturer Steinway & Sons, which has relied on ALFA quality and precision for over a decade.

For over 50 years, the manufacturer of hardwood panels has been market leader. Inspired by the brand’s mix of technical manufacturing and craftsmanship, we redesigned the website with a sample shop and set up their print medias new into an emotional and technical part. An annually magazine as showcase of the year’s highlights and a simple and slim range folder with an attached pricelist.

More about our work for ALFA

ALFA - video/photo campaign


Scope: (full service)
Creative Direction
Digital Design (Website)
Editorial and Print Design
Packaging Design (SampleKit)

Material/Texture Photography:
Bazooka Creative, AUT